Filtering by: “Yin Yoga”
to Mar 8
The Journey Within : A Yintelligence Training (50H)
Yintelligence is an evolution of curiosity of static shapes from yin combined with ecstatic movement and mobility therapy. It’s about making these classes more accessible and inclusive, to weave poetry, movement and surrender into a deeper experience beyond words and labels, beyond shapes into shapelessness, beyond the aesthetic, more into the experiential and imaginal.
to Dec 8
The Journey Within : A Yintelligence Training (50H)
Yintelligence is an evolution of curiosity of static shapes from yin combined with ecstatic movement and mobility therapy. It’s about making these classes more accessible and inclusive, to weave poetry, movement and surrender into a deeper experience beyond words and labels, beyond shapes into shapelessness, beyond the aesthetic, more into the experiential and imaginary.